Directed by Artistic Director Patrick Dooley
Destruction is a creative passion.
March 22 - April 28
We will offer pre-show talks about the context of the show before each performance. Pre-show talks begin 20 minutes prior to showtime - feel free to join us!
• Click here to download a copy of the program
(please note this is a large file and may take a few minutes to download)
• Click here to download the program insert: a synopsis of both Part I: Voyage and Part II: Shipwreck
• Click here to download the program insert: a synopsis of both Part I: Voyage and Part II: Shipwreck
• Click here to read the San Francisco Chronicle article
on Shotgun mounting Tom Stoppard's epic trilogy
• Click here to read VI Lenin's article about Herzen , whose memoirs were an important source for Shipwreck.
• Click here to read Ivan Turgenev's short story Prince Hamlet of the Shchigrovo - During the years of Shipwreck, Turgenev is working on a short story collection that gently satirizes the idea of philosophy circles. In this particular story, a man complains about his life of false starts and lack of originality.
• Click here to read VI Lenin's article about Herzen , whose memoirs were an important source for Shipwreck.
• Click here to read Ivan Turgenev's short story Prince Hamlet of the Shchigrovo - During the years of Shipwreck, Turgenev is working on a short story collection that gently satirizes the idea of philosophy circles. In this particular story, a man complains about his life of false starts and lack of originality.